Hello everyone. Due to a timing issue, the release of How Great Thou Art, has been pushed back. I truly apologize for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your patience. If you are excited to hear the album and would really love to hear it, hit that button / ^^ ->> II ^^ //^^/^//^^^, to send a message and we will email you a code where you can go ahead and download the new album. (That was me trying to point to the Contact Us button). Thank you again for your patience as we anticipate the release of this new album! I love you with all my heart. God bless and have a holy month of March as we get ready to enter spring!
Oh yeah. New and exciting details regarding the new single and music video are coming soon! And we might even have a whole lot more in store for you. Just stay tuned, God bless, and always remember to give them a few weeks notice when you are getting ready to submit your new album. Love always, Zach
Zach RobinsonThe words burning like scriptures inside my brain Archives
January 2022
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