Dear God,
It was in the spring, I wanna say May of 2017 that I became a saved Christian. Up until that point, you were always by my side. I’ve believed in you from day 1. Reading the children’s bible, going to church, seeing the influence you have on my family. I want to recap what I’ve learned ever since I became saved. I remember my first bible study. Back in the fall of 2017. Not knowing much about the Bible, who wrote the books, what the general message was, the story line, and just how powerful your grace is. I can’t remember exactly the order it is in which I’ve learned your scriptures, but I sure do know that I’ve learned. This is what I’ve learned. Your word is like food. We need it every day. It helps us to grow further and further into your love. Immediately upon going to bible studies, I learned that John 14 is an important verse to know. John in itself is one of the greatest books in the Bible. “In my Father’s house are many mansions. If it were not so, would I have told you. I go to prepare a place for you?” John 14:2 This scripture touches my heart. I remember viewing this as, Jesus wants us to love one another. I remember thinking he wants us to prepare guest rooms. He wants us to associate with other believers who will also have guest rooms prepared. Jesus wants us to gather so we can learn more about his word and surround one another with the one and only, most powerful force on the planet, the Holy Spirit. In John, Jesus goes on to tell us (in his own words, highlighted in red), that he is the way and the only way. No one goes to the father except through him and with faith in Jesus, we can make it to heaven. He also goes on to say he is going to send us a helper. At first I thought, he’s going to send me a helper? Like a friend, or someone whose going to come into my life to help who was sent from Jesus? I can’t wait! Well later I learned, yes that is true, because the helper is the Holy Spirit. Now, without getting to off track, isn’t it amazing that Jesus Christ can send us a helper, the Holy Spirit, if we continue to learn his word and read his message?! A force of nature that stands beside us, filling us with Gods grace, ridding us of any sinful ways, and watching over us like a father. Through the Holy Spirit, we may experience supernatural powers at work where what once seemed so difficult now all of sudden is done with barely a lift or push from the tip of our pinky. Now being a beginner in the Bible, I wasn’t focused on the difficult aspects of the Bible. I just wanted to point of it, the easy stuff, so I could start learning. Well to sum it up. This is what I learned at first. -John 14 is a great verse -Jesus commands us to love one another -By learning the scriptures in the Bible we begin the learn how to walk like Jesus -Prayer is very important (however it wasn’t until down the road that that I read the most powerful scripture in the Bible that helped me drop my doubt and start believing... James 1:6) -and simple important things we must learn when we become saved Christians -Gods power is like a speeding freight train. It was completely flatten anyone or anything that attempts to destroy its believers Think about that. God is a beast. God will destroy and completely flatten anyone who attempts to defile the holy temple. And real quick, I began to learn fun facts such Gods weakest point is stronger than mans strongest point, God will command us in our every day life if we just quiet the mind and listen, God is Omni present and he is every where at all times, where two or more our gathered, Jesus is with them, God turns darkness into light by exposing that darkness to light where it may manifest and become light, Jesus Christ is in us as we are in him and as the father is in him and as he is in the father and as the father is in us as we are in the father and so on. Yes, the Bible tells us, that we are the holy temple of god, that is no longer I who lives but Christ who lives in me. We are no longer in control, Jesus has officially taken the wheel. Folks, I’m getting carried away, but it is the simple scriptures in the Bible the get repeated that Jesus wants us to know and that connect with one another. Jesus goes on to talk about the flesh and the spirit, understanding that he has given us eternal life, and not viewing the tangible objects around us, but viewing the things we can not see, which goes back to the Holy Spirit, When I first started learning the bible I knew nothing. I barely understood the terms that are often used in the Bible and just what exactly Jesus has in store for us if we listen to his word. I remember learning my first scriptures, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 5:8, 1 Corinthians 3:16, John 14:2, Romans 8:11, and James 1:6. Gods word is food to me. As my faith in Christ strengthened I understood that it is important I apply it to my music. I remember writing a recent song I wrote titled Need Your Love. In the bridge, I wrote it’s like your by my side with shadows on the ground. This was written about the Holy Spirit. Jesus sends a helper the Holy Spirit, so I wrote its like you’re by my side with shadows on the ground. I remember sitting down at my mothers island in the kitchen with a pen and a notepad and writing the poem, Poem for God, which later was applied to the song, Love for Jesus. The melody and chords to Love for Jesus were written at my church when one of the brothers suggested I go try and write a song as we were bored and there wasn’t much to do. I took my guitar and went up into the church tower where a few lyrics flew out of me followed by Love is mutual and I’ve found myself in you etc. I continued attending bible studies all through 2018 and 2019 and I started to get it. Jesus has a job for us. This bible, it contains everything we need in life, including instructions on how to live it, and the #1 most important commandments that he gives us is to spread his life changing words. Reader, I pray for you, that the blood of Jesus May wash over you and cleanse you of all sin and darkness. I pray that you may find a new life in these words and that any changes you may want will come your way through the power of the one and only Jesus Christ. Jesus saves. He is big on not boasted and becoming big headed, but quiet and keeping it down while the Holy Spirit rushes through us like a freight train ready to flatten anyone whom is wishing the cast darkness on the beaming light that is us. The simple aspects of the Bible were all in front of my face. I remember jumping up and saying That’s Right! Many times as I was learning the Bible. Gods power, the fact that he lives in us and gives life to our mortal bodies, the fact that he wants us so badly to share his word and help change the lives of others, how we wants us to prepare a guest room for others... it wasn’t until the day that I sat down and read James 1:6 that I had another one of those AHA moments. I just want to explain to you real quick that when I started going to bible studies and prayer meetings, I was shy when it came to the actual praying part of it. I remember skipping out and passing the first few times. I also remember when I said my first prayer and the brothers and the pastor were rooting for me and there for me even when I was nervous and shy. When I got done saying my first prayer they basically shouted and congratulated me for saying my first prayer. There was something missing from my prayers and my praying habits and I didn’t know what it was. I began saying prayers with more comfort at the meetings but not praying on my own time. Then one day I read James 1:6 which says “But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.” My mouth almost dropped off my face. to be continued...
Zach RobinsonThe words burning like scriptures inside my brain Archives
January 2022
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