She was put in the movies and the magazine. Bm D A Repeat chords Good at everything, even on screen. Everywhere she goes, she can accomplish anything.
So many loved ones and connections through the air. Everybody's dancing like they just don't care. People wanna scream. They've got a voice to be heard. Spreading love each day in this big giant world. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you. Generating vibes, like the blues. The bar you find a beer, the store you find your song. Working so hard for this moment all along. There's not a step you can take, where love isn't the answer. I will be the singer. And you will be the dancer. Breaking all the barriers of sound and time. Working oh so hard. It's the daily grind. With opportunities, change is of the essence. Bringing warmth to the table is always your presence. Ripping lines to the core, this world is our store. I buy it all from you, our love we can't ignore. Hey there! Thank you for visiting the blog!
Well, this is funny. First I'm driving, telling people about my feelings for this girl and then I'm in class learning all about the new career that I've decided to pursue. Things are going really well. While, it's difficult that we are so far apart, you know that the universe will be bringing us together before long. Because the power of love is more powerful than any other force of nature out there. Bringing good conversations to the table, enlightening the happiness in your brain, and creating a series of events that seem to tumble together better than ever before, it's love. So what's new? Well, my pen is too the paper and my eyes fixed upon page after page of material as I study. While I study, I write and while I write I move. The simple reality that what you're thinking and how you are feeling is loved by the universe at every moment, brings me to new epiphanies every day. 2015's best thought has to be this... Here I stand, in the middle of a restaurant. My body not present. Only my eyes. My eyes remain still and psychedelic. Looking around and tripping out are my eyes. Awaiting another performance and booking events in Maine my eyes look outward. Shifting from one corner to the other, and back to the center, it's my eyes. Have I done enough? Probably. Can I do more? Yes. Let me hook you up with some quick facts, since you are still getting to know me. In the mid 80's my Mom and Dad moved to New Hampshire from Maine. There, they were able to raise my brother and I with love and care. Each morning I would wake up and sing. I would stand at the top of the stairs and belt out loud, funky, notes. Each night I would lay my head to rest in the historical, Auburn NH. The way people pursued their careers and studied for tests would fascinate me. Each night the silence of love would drop around me as a pin drop could be heard in the faintest feelings of the night. Sammy was studying Social Studies while Sarah had just passed the final. Never complaining and always loving, I would make my way from class to class always cutting to the chase and reaching conclusions with speed. I understood that life is not always easy and I would always strive to have something to provide people with to help make each day go easier. I would fall in and out of love. There would be good days and bad days. Not everything was perfect, but something was made from something and a light would shine bright, always at the right time. So let's cut to the chase. The conclusion. You. I love you. We have recorded almost 7 new tracks in the studio. I have experienced moments of inspiration and have been writing new lyrics and melodies every day. There was even a piano downtown with a sign on it that says Please Play Me, that I was playing the other day. While I know that we are far away, and there have been numerous obstacles in my life that I have had to overcome, I am working hard to provide you with new music and ideas. From the day that I started writing, I understood that there was a certain writing process that my brain would undergo. Songs would occur in waves. For example, the first four tracks of Live at The Shrine World Music Venue were recorded in a day. I was standing in my living room, getting ready to head back to NYC and boom, four awesome songs were written. We Sing We Dance We Steal Things was popular at the time, and there's no doubt that Just A Dream was inspired by If It Kills Me. Currently, I am so grateful to be able to take a step back, in love with my family, and focus on how I can reinvent my music, in a way where what I am writing is original. I often jump with excitement, because having met musicians in New York (Colee James, JR Garcia, and Tammy Ying) and I am learning how to best meet their needs and wants. It's beautiful, and I will always stay true to the message of love. Speaking more on past songs, Nothing is Real was recorded right there in the studio. We were hanging out in the upstairs of a barn, where there was sound proofing and professional quality recording equipment, when I said, alright here we go! And there it happened. Nothing is Real. Umm... The Love Inside... The Love Inside was written outside of Ben and Jerry's on Washington St. in Hoboken. I've always thought The Love Inside sounds like Imagine. So therefore, you really can't diss The Love Inside. Haha. This year I have come up with some new stuff, and I am actually stoked because there has been a flow of songs as the seasons change. Changing seasons has always meant changing music to me. New air, new sound. Etc. Music is crazy. We just have to listen to ourselves. It's just a matter of sitting still, focusing in, and allowing that wave to occur with love. So here I am now in Maine. Having met all of the nicest musicians. Thank you for reading my blog! I hope that I kept you entertained through each sentence. There is a way to do it right. And at the end of the day, if you are in love, it's going to happen the way you want it too. I can't end without hooking you up with what's happening all around us... -Megan Talays New Record, Piece by Piece is set to be released tomorrow, October 9th and I can't wait! Megan and I met at the Path Cafe and I instantly found her style to be innovative and spot on. Megans YouTube channel is complete with Alternative hits and Country covers. Reminding me of those who I feel best around, Megan's someone who is going to be selling out music venues in no time. She has an it factor too her that draws a crowd and she is a legend in the making! While sending much love and good vibes to Megan during this exciting time, I hope you can find the time to listen to and help promote her latest EP Piece by Piece, now available on iTunes, Bandcamp, Spotify, and more. -Miranda Inzunza's Mercury in Retrograde was not released too long ago, and there's just about no other album on my iPod that will give me as many goosebumps. Literally, it will give you more goosebumps than anything can find now a days. Singing along and loving Miranda's music is something that has brought immense love into my life this year. Just expressing my feelings for her music brings a sense of relief and hope for the future. #love -Matt Pless's latest album Lavender, is available on bandcamp and it's incredible! From backwards guitars to White Album tricks, Lavender was recorded with thought and love. Some of my favorite tracks are Constellation, Butterfly, and Lavender. Those lyrics, man. Shout out to Nikolas Dimoulas and the whole crew in Orono. We will be in the studio this Friday. I have reached out to a few local music venues and we just about have an upcoming show planned. Having my brother and my cousin, near the studio where we are recording really helps and adds to the party. Oh yeah! Check out what I've been doing. Right? I've been burning CD's for people with the track listing that follows... 1.) Intro 2.) Those 3 Words 3.) The Love Inside 4.) Addiction to Love 5.) Nothing is Real 6.) Song To You 7.) Just A Dream 8.) Birthday 9.) Historical 10.) This Moment 11.) Just Breathe 12.) Rhythm of A Song 13.) Moments (In Heaven) I feel like, by doing this, I am getting closer to that moment where all voices join together in one grand experience. It's been a long time wish of mine to be able to sing in harmony with a group on a level where what we are singing is therapeutic and helpful. So it's all good, right? If you are someone who received a CD from me and you are reading this, shout out to you. You are some of the best people I know and it is my wish that this love brings us together for some well anticipated mediation. Thank you for reading my latest blog post! I hope that all is going well in your life and I would love to hear from you! Be well. Never Stop Learning. Strive for Greatness. And good things will come to you. Stay tuned for new music and more at Record Scratch Hippie Zone. Chanelling Todays best music and representing Jennifer Sullivan, it's wicka wicka wicka, Your brotha, Zach. Peace, Zach |
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